Saturday, 27 February 2016

The Crêperie

Happy weekend to you all! My friend and I started our weekend off with a trip to a cute little crêperie that we'd had our eye on for while. It's safe to say they went down an absolute treat! 

The Pear Tree Creperie Swinfen

Cheese and tomato galette

Goats cheese, tomato coulee and walnut galette

The restaurant itself was super adorable and definitely had the french atmosphere going on. When it came to deciding whether to go for sweet or savoury, we opted for the savoury galette as appose to the sweet crepe (however this was a tough choice as nutella was all over that sweet menu). It was a lovely place and I will definitely be returning in future! Its always nice to try new foods. What's your favourite type of food?

Thanks for reading,
Hayley xx

1 comment:

  1. Great post! It seems like a great place to eat. I love Crepes! :)

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